The Water Bowl

Good Afternoon Buljan!


The beginning of the Bulldog school year is off to a wonderful start.  Our students have been getting settled in their classes, interacting with their teachers and classmates, learning about what it means to be a Bulldog, and making new friends through our advisory classes and “Bulldog Strong Start” initiative.  


In addition to fostering a strong classroom and campus community, our amazing staff have also begun guiding students into the year’s academic work. As an AVID Demonstration School, teachers and staff deliver challenging curriculum through numerous daily opportunities to write, inquire, collaborate, organize, and read! In order to best understand teachers’ policies and expectations when it comes to work and grading, please sit with your child and log into Otus together, where our teachers have posted videos and slides going over their classroom policies, curriculum, grading information, and other need-to-knows for a successful year.


Here at Buljan, our expectations are that students are Being Safe, Accountable, Respectful, and Kind (B.A.R.K.) We are proud to be a PBIS Gold School Students that are observed following our B.A.R.K. expectations will be rewarded with B.A.R.K. Bucks redeemable for items for our online student store!


Our team has a few quick pieces of information we would like to share on this Monday:


Pick Up / Drop Off: Thank you for driving safely during pick up and drop off. A few reminders:

  • 7:40AM-7:45AM has been identified as the best time to drop off your student(s). Our first bell rings at 8am and instruction begins at 8:05am.

  • Please always stop at the front cross walk and then again at the Stop sign.  

  • Please continue to drive slowly through drop off/pick up.  

  • Please encourage your student to use crosswalks whenever possible and to travel safely through the parking lot. We encourage students to make eye contact with the driver of the vehicle they are about to pass in front of.


Thank you for helping to keep all of our kids safe during drop off and pick up times.


Lunch Period: The students are getting faster at entering their six digit student number when receiving a school lunch. This has resulted in lines moving faster and kids eating earlier.  


Students have a few options when it comes to lunch. All of these options are free and are available to all students daily:  

  • Hot lunch: Served inside the multipurpose room

  • Deli/Salad lunch: Served outside through the service windows

  • Pizza lunch: Served outside through the service windows


We encourage students to make responsible choices when it comes to lunch line selection. The pizza line is often the most popular, which results in longer wait times. 


Nightly Reminders: Please remind your Bulldog to:

  • Charge Chromebooks

  • Review Planners

  • Complete homework or important assignments that are due

  • Organize Binders & Backpacks


We look forward to a great week of learning!


See you at pick up,




Buljan Middle School


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