Week of August 23 - 27

We had a great week here at Buljan. Thank you for reading the blog. Included are some reminders and upcoming events. 
Remind your student to B.A.R.K everyday! 

Picture Day: Wednesday August 25th students will be getting their pictures taken and ID cards. 

Drop Off and Pick Up Safety - Please follow all traffic laws while dropping off to ensure everyone's safety. Please do not drop off students on Washington Blvd, complete U-turns in the middle of the road or at the stop signs. Always keep an eye out for pedestrians as we have a lot of students walking.

Chromebook- Every student has a Chromebook that they will bring back and forth to school daily. Please remind your student nightly to charge their Chromebook and put it in their backpack for school every morning. Chromebooks are used daily for student learning.

PE Clothes - Please make sure your student takes their P.E. clothes home every Friday and washes them. They need to bring them back on Monday. You're welcome to send a plastic bag with them to put their clothes in if you would like.

Our drama class shares a Friday Announcement video. 

Wellness Corner:

RCSD Parent Education Series:

Online information night August 31, 2021 about the Middle School Suicide Prevention Curriculum - SOS Signs of Suicide 

RCSD Parent Education Night SOS Letter

RCSD Parent Education Night SOS Letter (Spanish)

Upcoming Events:
8/25 Picture Day 
8/31 Online Parent Education Night SOS  
9/1 Volleyball Game 
9/1 Flag Football Game 

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L nbeardsley@rcsdk8.org
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 


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