Happy November Blog Update

In the spirit of welcoming November, the month of gratitude, Buljan Staff wants to thank our families for your partnership in your child's education. We are grateful for our families and community. 

✨Counseling & Wellness Corner✨

Career Week: Buljan is hosting Career Week November 6-9th! Career Week is all about exploring different career pathways and learning about different career options. Students will be able to participate in a host of optional activities including a career match activity, a dream job lunchtime activity, and to top it off a career fair at lunch on November 9th. There will be prizes for participants! 

Host a Booth at the Annual Career Fair: Buljan’s Annual Career Fair is back and scheduled for Thursday, November 9th! We are looking for parents, community members, and local businesses that want to volunteer their time, host a booth at the career fair, and educate our students about their careers. Click here for more information on the who, what, where, when, and how of volunteering. Please fill out our Career Fair Volunteer Form if you are interested in hosting a booth OR contact the school counselor, Kathryn Buchan, by email, kbuchan@rcsdk8.org, or by phone, (916) 771-1720 Ext 19314 

Creating an Inclusive & Respectful Campus Classroom Lessons: School counselors will be visiting 6th grade social studies classrooms November 6-9th to deliver a classroom lesson on creating an inclusive and respectful campus. The lesson aims to help students develop a sense of acceptance, respect, support and inclusion for self and others in the school environment and create positive, respectful and supportive relationships with students who are similar to and different from them. The lesson will address empathy, using inclusive language on campus, and what to do if mistakes are made. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation in this lesson or to opt your student out of this lesson please contact the School Counseling team at Buljan.

RCSD is committed to providing quality education to its students. In an effort to achieve this goal, school staff or parents/guardians may refer students for counseling, or students may request counseling. The aim of the school counseling services is to help students have more effective education and socialization within the school community. Possible counseling topics are coping with changes, transition, self esteem, friendship and relationship issues, study skills, stress management, fears or worries, academic progress, conflict resolution, social skills, adjustment to school or culture, etc. These services are available at no cost. RCSD school counselors offer short‐term individual counseling to students, as well as small group counseling. 

If you would like more information about counseling services available on our site, please contact Kathryn Buchan, Vanessa Andereson, or Madisyn Donnels at 916-771-1720.

Upcoming Events: 

  • 11/9: Career Fair

  • 11/10: No School - Veterans Day

  • 11/14: Report Carts Emailed Home

  • 11/17: School Rally

  • 11/20 - 11/24: Fall Break

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 

Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 

Brooke Fahey Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L bfahey@rcsdk8.org


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