Welcome Back Bulldogs!

Welcome Back Bulldog Families!

On behalf of the entire staff here at Buljan Middle School, we wish to thank everyone who attended our Back to School Night community event last night. It was a wonderful way to start the school year and bring our Buljan community together for a night of fun and positive engagement with one other. We enjoyed seeing so many families spending the evening together visiting classrooms, meeting teachers, and even just sitting together at a picnic table enjoying a cold Kona Ice on a hot night. Despite the heat, there were smiling faces all around. 

We appreciate your partnership in your child’s education and taking the time to come learn a bit more about the amazing learning experiences they have every day here at school. Your feedback is valuable to us in helping plan future events. Please take a moment to complete this survey and share with us your thoughts: https://forms.gle/jtU2PhvTr1x1AYxx9

One quick reminder: orders for Spirit Wear close on Sunday. If you’d like to order a Buljan hoodie, hat, or shirt for your student, please go to bit.ly/buljanspiritwear or bit.ly/buljanhats and place your order before midnight this Sunday.

Some reminders...

Our 22-23 bell schedule is 8:05am - 2:16pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday's our bell schedule is 8:05am - 12:55pm.  Gates open at 7:40am for students to get breakfast in the multi-purpose room or walk to their 1st period classroom. 

Bubba the Bulldog was out welcoming students on Friday! 

Safety is a top priority for our district and site. Buljan is a closed campus, and any visitors should go to the front office with their ID to sign in. 

Attention 7th and 8th grade Families. The Glow in the Dark Back Dance is this Thursday 8/25! You don’t want to miss it!  There will be dancing, dodgeball, and video games.  The Doghouse will be open serving pizza, candy, and drinks. We will also have Kona Ice selling shaved ice!!! You can purchase tickets this week the first 15 minutes of lunch outside the Drama Room. Tickets are $5 until Wednesday,  $7 Dollars on Thursday, and $10 Dollars at the door. 

Check out this after school opportunity put on by the Salvation Army.  

Upcoming Events: 
8/24 Picture Day
8/25 Back to School Dance 5-7pm. 
9/2 6th grade Webapalooza 
9/5 No School - Labor Day 

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L nbeardsley@rcsdk8.org
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 


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