From the Water Bowl

Good Evening Buljan!

It is my hope that this email finds you enjoying your weekend and reflecting on a solid start to the 2022/23 school year.  

Our team has a few quick pieces of information we would like to share prior to tomorrow morning.

Visitors On Campus: The safety of our campus is of utmost importance.  All visitors must sign into the front office prior to accessing the campus.

  • 1st Visit: ID will be scanned and a sticker badge will be produced and worn by the visitor..

  • Later Visits: Show ID and receive a sticker badge. 

Welcome to Buljan!

First Day Packet: There are two forms that need to be signed and returned by Tuesday, August 16th.

  • Annual Family Notice

  • Textbook Rental Policy

Thank you for returning these documents!

Pick Up / Drop Off: Thank you for your patience as we work through some adjustments to our pick up and drop off process.  The following will be the expectations moving forward.

  • In the AM: Please utilize two (2) lanes when dropping off your student.  Continue to be patient with each other as we welcome our Bulldogs to school on a daily basis.

  • In the PM: Please utilize the one (1) right lane when picking up your student.  This will allow for cars to access a lane to bypass those still waiting on students to load.  

  • Always Stop at the flag poll cross walk to allow movement of students and staff.  

  • Stop at the Stop Sign prior to merging through the parking lot.

  • Smile and Wave at Buljan Staff as you drive by at a slow speed :)

Thank you for your attention this evening.  

See you in the morning!


Proud Principal

Buljan Middle School


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