February 2022

Hello Bulldog Families,

Congratulations to Myles Nguyen, in 7th grade. He won first place in the VFW Essay contest for Roseville!  He wrote an essay about what it means to be an American and is now moving on to regionals.

Buljan Spring Picture Day is Wednesday, March 9th. 

Select Order School Pictures
Select BULJAN SPRING 2021-2022
Select your package

Questions? Call (916)749-1026 and select Option 1 or email services@billsmithphoto.com

Click HERE for an order form.

District English Language Advisory Committee 

 ATTENTION 6th & 7th Grade families: As a reminder, all students, even those who are returning back to their same school MUST complete the online registration process. Your attention to this is greatly appreciated and helps RCSD know how to best prepare to meet and accommodate all of our students' needs. If you have not yet submitted your students Returning Registration, please take a moment to do so NOW.   REGISTER HERE

Helpful Hints for Returning Registration  

1.  Make sure to go to: https://rcsdk8.powerschool.com/public - We are finding that if you don't use this link that you might be directed to the wrong place. Log in with your Username & Password.

2.  Make sure you are using a PARENT Portal Account.  If you are using a student account, you will not have the option to re-register.

3.  Sometimes, if you are using the same device that your student is using, it will not allow you to login to your Parent account.  Using an "Incognito" window solves the problem.  How to use an Incognito window Link

4.  If using a cell phone or chromebook, you might have a hard time seeing the "Navigation" window.  Instead you might see two very small arrows, click on these arrows to expand the "Navigation" window, and then scroll down to the bottom for Returning Student Registration.

5.  If you need to upload Immunizations, you will not be able to "submit" the registration until this is done.  If your student has not yet had the required immunizations for their next grade level, you can upload a note or other item in its place.  We will flag that the Immunizations are still needed and enrollment will be complete once we receive your student's updated immunization record.  

6.  Incoming 7th Graders ONLY ~ please make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to update vaccinations if you haven't already, and then email the completed vaccination record to jparisius@rcsdk8.org .  Vaccines required for 7th Grade - (1) Tdap Booster (not Dtap) and (2) Varicella.

For the 2022-23 school year, school will begin at 8:05am and will end at 2:16pm. Our early release day will be on Wednesdays, when students will be released from school at 12:55pm. 

Be safe, Accountable, Respectful and Kind as you go throughout your day!

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L nbeardsley@rcsdk8.org
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 


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