January 28 - February 4

Good Afternoon Bulldog Families,

We are currently midway through the 2nd trimester.  We encourage you to sit down with your child and navigate Otus with them. Have your child share with you their grades and assignments in Otus to see how they're currently progressing in their classes.

Students completing a Tangram Challenge in Mrs. Barrett's class.

In an effort to provide access to real-time information on grades, assignments, and scores, parents/guardians can access the Otus Family account online, or through the Otus App.  Parents are also able to view student scores on their iReady Diagnostic assessment in Language Arts and Math.  Please see the guides below that give step-by-step instructions on how to use the website, app, and view data reports.  At the end of each guide is a video that helps explain the steps.

Navigating the Gradebook on the Otus Website The website takes more clicks to see information but does have more details.

Navigating the Gradebook on the Otus App- The app is a great way to quickly see grades and assessments.  You cannot differentiate between formative and summative on the app.

Data Reports in Otus Parents are able to view iReady scores in Math and Language Arts.

We report on both academic progress and learning behaviors.  

Academic Progress is reported using: 1 and 2 for Beginning, 3 and 4 for Approaching, 5 and 6 for Proficient, and 7 and 8 for Mastery.  The goal by the end of the year for all students is Standard Met, either 5, 6, 7, or 8.  IE is used if a student has not shown evidence or has not turned in the work to determine a level of proficiency at this time.

Learning Behaviors are reported using: R for Rarely, S for Sometimes, C for Consistently.  

All students should have scores for both Learning Behaviors: Engagement and Work Completion.

You can find additional information below or by visiting the grading resources section of the RCSD Learning Site.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s academic progress and learning behaviors throughout the year, please contact your child’s teacher.

Trimester 2 ends on February 18th.

Roseville High School's student and parent orientation and High School on the Hill Night at Roseville High School is on

February 1st from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. 

Project Lead The Way with Mr. Garbolino

Wellness Corner 

This week we had the Greatness Challenge. Buljan student along with students all across the world participated in the Great Kindness Challenge

The Great Kindness Challenge started 10 years ago with just 3 schools in California and now there are over 15 million students in 30,000 schools and 115 countries participating in The Great Kindness Challenge! Buljan students are part of a kindness revolution. 

Candy Grams will be available at lunch for students to purchase. 

Buljan Wrestling is having a great season!

Be safe, Accountable, Respectful and Kind as you go throughout your day!

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L nbeardsley@rcsdk8.org
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 


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