December 6 - December 10

The Bulldog Water Bowl ~ Messages from your Principal Mr. White

Hello Buljan Community,

With the 1st trimester of the 2021/22 school year behind us, it is a great time to reflect on a successful fall.  
  • iReady diagnostics: assessment results guided instruction and was used to create school wide goals.
  • Building relationships: Staff and students were focused on the importance of building strong community in the classroom.  
  • Teaching expected behaviors: Students were taught the behavior expectation of Being Safe, Accountable, Respectful, and Kind or B.A.R.K.!
  • Social Emotional Learning: Second Step curriculum was used to foster a successful and supportive learning environment.
There is an important part of the 1st trimester that is not mentioned above.  The contribution of our Buljan Families.  You prepare your students on a daily basis to give their best during the school day.  From getting them safely to school, to maintaining open communication with their teaching team, to working with the school to meet the required health and safety guidelines.  YOU are a huge reason why the fall trimester has been a success.  

On behalf of the entire Buljan Staff, we look forward to continuing to build strong relationships with our students, parents, and community as we do what we love, educating your kids.  

Mr. Greg White
Interim Principal

Each year we put on “Silver Wars” where our efforts as a school will go towards supporting students who are in need here at Buljan. 100% of the proceeds will go to students who need clothes and supplies for school. Please help this effort by sending in loose change to school with your son or daughter. 

Dates: December 6th  - December 10th 

What: Send all your loose change to school. PENNIES gladly accepted!

Turn In Coins: 7th & 8th Graders (1st Period Teacher) & 6th Graders (Block A Teacher) 

Sabotage Day: Students can sabotage another class by adding “paper money” ($1, $5, $10, $20 bills) to other classes' coin container. (Friday Dec. 10th)

Wellness Corner 
As the holidays quickly approach, the Roseville Holiday Food Basket Program is working hard to make sure everyone in our community has what they need. If you know of someone that could benefit from receiving a food box this holiday season please complete this form by December 13,2021. All forms are kept confidential. is a unique service that will allow everyone a way to reach out for mental health and wellness support. CareSolace is a care navigation and coordination system that makes it simple and easy for anyone in the RCSD community to get the right help in seconds. Please use this link to access this service quickly. 

Here are some pictures of what's going on around Buljan! 

The wrestling team has started practicing and it's not too late for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to join! Practice is after school and students need an athletic clearance form (in office) signed to participate.  


Be safe, Accountable, Respectful and Kind as you go throughout your day!

Greg White Principal 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z 


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