Week of November 15 - December 3

Hello Bulldog Families,

Please enjoy a few slides with student Soundtrap audio creations from 3rd Period Music Production, Happy Thanksgiving! Click HERE to listen. 

Last week we had a successful Career Fair with 340 students completing the scavenger hunt through careers. Thank you to everyone that came to share their career with our students. 

Here is a reminder about absences, in the event that your student is absent from school. 


1. Students are expected to be in school each day unless it is absolutely necessary that they be absent.  Students with excessive absences will be assigned a behavior contract, parent/guardian conference or referred to SARB.  

2. When a student is absent, a parent/guardian or guardian should call the school (916) 771-1720 each day of the absence.  Please state the date, state and spell the student's name, your name, your relationship to the student, and the reason for absence.  If this is not possible, the student must bring a note upon returning to school.  This note must include the dates and reasons for absence.  Please see below for "Acceptable Reasons for Excused Student Absences."  Other absences, even with parental permission, are classified by the State of California as unexcused.  For your convenience, parent/guardians may report student absences by calling (916) 771-1720 before, during, and after school office hours.  Failure to verify excused and/or unexcused absences may result in a recorded day of truancy.  

3. According to the Education Code of the State of California, Sections 46010, 48205, and 46014, we must adhere to the following guidelines:


  • Personal illness

  • Quarantine under the direction of health officer

  • Personal medical or dental appointments

  • Funeral service of parent/guardian, sibling, grandparent, or any relative living in the immediate household of the child (limited to one day in the  state, and three days out of state)

  • Exclusion for medical reasons (not to exceed 5 school days)

  • Religious observance or exercise

  • Personal court appearance


  • Leaving school without proper clearance from the office

  • Out of town without Independent Study Contract

  • Beauty shop, barber shop appointments

  • Oversleeping

  • Personal or family business, vacations

  • Going to work with parent/guardian or other family member 

  • Going to a concert

  • Under the influence of alcohol or drugs

  • Repairing car or household items

  • Waiting for service or repair people to come

  • Shopping

  • Attending a sporting event

  • Personal transportation problems, missed the bus, car trouble, bike  trouble.

  • Other reasons not included in Acceptable Reasons for Excused Student Absences.

4. All absences without written or telephone excuse will be considered unexcused.

5. Parent/guardians must clear excused and/or unexcused absences within two days after student's return to school or the absence may be considered truancy.

6. Make up work for students who are absent but have a legal or excused absence shall have one school day for each school day missed in order to make up homework or tests.  At the discretion of the teacher, this time period may be extended.  It is the responsibility of the student to request make-up work.  Students may contact a friend or see the teacher to obtain any missed homework assignments.  

7. Students who are absent from school are not allowed to attend student functions, e.g., Activity Nights, music or drama performances or sports activities during the day of the absence.

8. Students with three or more unexcused absences are considered truant.  Education Code Section 48260 requires that a pupil who is absent from school more than three (3) days without a valid excuse or who is tardy in excess of more than three (3) days in a school year is truant and shall be reported.

No school November 22, 2021 - November 26, 2021. We look forward to seeing everyone back on campus November 29th! 

Wrestling practice will begin the first week of December.  Be sure to pick up a blue/white medical emergency form in the office or from Ms. Baker-Davis. 

From Buljan staff to ALL our Bulldogs - we wish you a great week with friends and family!

Here are pictures of what's been going on around Buljan. 
Students that earned 100% on their Constitution Test enjoyed a pizza party! 

Drama students as detectives in a murder mystery! 

Staff Meeting - Web leaders sharing teachers of the month. 

Career Day Success! 

Screenagers “Next Chapter” Documentary – Uncovering Skills for Stress Resilience
    Monday, 11/29 at 6:30 p.m. in the Patti Baker Theater
    This is the follow up to the original Screenagers movie with all new material covering
        current topics around tween and teen mental health challenges. About Screenagers Next Chapter            (screenagersmovie.com)
    Families of 5th to 12th graders are invited! Free to attend!
    Reservations required: TheNextChapterRoseville.eventcombo.com
    Hosted by RJUHSD and Sponsored by Roseville City School District.

Be safe, Accountable, Respectful and Kind as you go throughout your day!

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L nbeardsley@rcsdk8.org
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 


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