Week of October 4 - October 8

Happy October Buljan Families! 

The student planners are here and we are excited to get them out to all of our students.  Being an AVID Demonstration Site, it is important that all of our students have access to a planner.  Organization is a big part of being a successful student.

Similar to the required PE clothes, a student planner is a required student tool here at Buljan Middle School.  We offer a planner for the price of $6.00.  This planner is preferred because it also contains our PARENT/GUARDIAN-STUDENT HANDBOOK.  The handbook contains information all parents and students should know about Buljan.

However, if your student doesn't dig the student planner, that's OK.  Any academic planner will do!  

So, whether you want to spend $6.00 on an awesome and custom Buljan planner, OR you wish to buy your own, it's all good.  

In closing, please confirm that your student has access to a student planner as soon as possible.  Monday would be great!  However, if you need more time, you got it :)

All students are required to have a student planner by Friday, October 29th.  

Thank you for your attention and for sharing your wonderful Bulldog with us.

Mrs. Seals' class pet, Freddie, working hard alongside the students.

Our 7th grade Volleyball team has a Wild Card playoff game Monday 10/4 at 4:00pm in the gym against Granite Oaks. Tournament viewing fee is $5.00 for adults and $1.00 for students with valid I.D. card. The snack bar will be open for drinks and snacks. Come out and support our Lady Bulldogs!!!!!

Turn in Day is October 8th! 

3 Reasons Why the Coffee Fundraiser is Unique!

#1 NO MIDDLEMAN! - Our very own “Student Government” class takes pride in running all aspects of this fundraiser.   

#2 LOCAL COMPANY! - We have partnered with a local roaster to bring premium coffee to Buljan Supporters.  (Mast Cofee - Sacramento, Ca)

#3 BULJAN ALUMNI! - Co-Owner Stephen Mentze graduated from Buljan in 2003.

Students participated in the Sponge Out Water Event at Lunch!

Thankful for our Student Government Students for hosting this fun event at lunch! 

Be safe, Accountable, Respectful and Kind as you go throughout your day!

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L nbeardsley@rcsdk8.org
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 


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