Week of September 7 - 10

Good Afternoon Buljan Families,

Please refer to the infographic below to access the updated safety guidelines going into effect at Buljan Middle School on Tuesday, September 7, 2021.  These guidelines will result in less modified quarantines and, therefore, more students learning in classrooms. Thank you for teaming up with your community middle school to keep our kids in the classroom.  

Wellness Corner:

Dear Buljan Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,

Buljan's Wellness Program invites you to take our Parent Needs Survey. In order to best serve Buljan students and families, it is helpful to gather your feedback to best serve our unique environment. Your time and participation in the survey is extremely valuable and appreciated. 

Thank you,

Buljan Wellness Team

SOS Suicide Prevention Classroom Lessons: Parent Letter

Buljan is hosting Lighthouse Counseling’s anxiety and depression management group on campus starting in October. The group is open to any Buljan student and consists of 6 sessions that take place on Mondays from 8:15 - 9:05 am, starting October 4th. See the flyer for more information!

Transportation Message

This year, RCSD continues to receive numerous bus transportation applications. To best define the routes, any student who wants to sign up for bus transportation needs to apply by Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Applications received after this date will be only be processed when space on routes becomes available. Please fill out the RCSD Bus Transportation Application and return it to your child’s school site.

This year, RCSD continues to receive numerous bus transportation applications. To best define the routes, any student who wants to sign up for bus transportation needs to apply by Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Applications received after this date will be only be processed when space on routes becomes available. Please fill out the RCSD Bus Transportation Application and return it to your child’s school site.

Transportation Application English

Transportation Application Spanish

COVID Exposure? Check out this GUIDE from Placer County Department of Health to know the next steps. 
See Guide for clearer view. 

Our drama class shares a Friday Announcement video.

Buljan Athletics 
Cross Country, Flag Football and Volleyball have competed in their first games/meets. 
This year we do not have transportation (buses) for our athletes for away games. 
SO this will be our process...
Student-Athletes will be released at 2:50pm to walk to the front quad area by the office. They will wait behind the gate till they are individually released once signed out by their parent/guardian.
Student safety is a top priority for us.  
We need parents/guardians to park their car, come into the office to show ID, and sign their child out. Students will only be released to a contact on their emergency contact. If you need to update your child's emergency contacts please do so in the front office before the event. 
8th graders do not need to be released early since they do not start their game till after the 7th grade game is over. They should easily be able to make it over to the school by 4pm to cheer on the 7th graders. 

Upcoming Events: 
9/3 Labor Day ~ No School 
9/7 Volleyball Game @ Twelve Bridges 
9/7 Flag Football Game @ Eich 
9/8 Volleyball and Flag Football @ Buljan 
9/8 Bus Application Deadline 
9/22 - Coffee Fundraiser Kickoff
9/22 Make-up picture Day

Here is the link Vaccination Verification Letter  for more information regarding vaccinations. 

Today we had WEB A PALOOZA! That means 6th graders got out of class early and go to have fun and play games with their WEB leaders and WEB group. Here are some pictures from it.

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L nbeardsley@rcsdk8.org
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 


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