Week of September 27 - October 1

Hello Bulldog Families~

There is no school Thursday 9/30 and Friday 10/1. Teachers will be attending Professional Development.

Drop off and Pick up
Please observe all traffic signs at pickup time, including the no stopping signs posted on Washington Ave. Please do not pick up your student along Washington.

We have kicked off the annual “School-wide Coffee Fundraiser” Information was sent home with your student. For more information go to bit.ly/coffeeinfo2021Thank you for your continued support of our GREAT school! If you are have any questions please email Mr. Swarts at rswarts@rcsdk8.org

The AVID Word of the Week is PROPORTIONAL.  The definition is: two things that have the same size relationship or ratio.  For example, “The student’s science experiment proved that the force needed to move an object is proportional to the weight of the object itself.”  Write your own sentence using the word PROPORTIONAL and turn it into the office for a prize drawing.

Planners are here!!! Students can purchase a planner in the front office for $6. 

Handbook Reminder of the Week 

Wellness Corner 
Buljan is hosting Lighthouse Counseling’s anxiety and depression management group on campus starting in October. The group is open to any Buljan student and consists of 6 sessions that take place on Mondays from 8:15 - 9:05 am, starting October 4th. See the flyer for more information.

6 Grade Fun Friday Event with WEB!

Upcoming Events: 
9/29 Volleyball & Flag Football @ Cooley 
9/30 Cross Country @ Buljan 
9/30 No School for Students - Teacher Professional Development Day
10/1 No School for Students - Teacher Professional Development Day

Be safe, Accountable, Respectful and Kind as you go throughout your day!

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L nbeardsley@rcsdk8.org
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 


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