Week of Aug 30 - Sept 3

 Hello Buljan Families ~

Thank you for your increased awareness around drop off and pick up each day. Safety in the parking lot is important for all of us. We appreciate your mindfulness of your speed and the safety of your location for drop off and pick up on campus.

AVID students leading each other in a blindfold activity.

We welcome your child to bring their own lunchtime equipment. Please know that Buljan is not responsible for these items. Please make sure the students last name is on the item and that it is not a distraction in the learning environment.

Students at lunch enjoying a Conga Line for fun.

Buljan Handbook Link

The AVID tip of the day: Ask someone at home to quiz you on your math facts like multiplication, division, addition and subtraction.

 The AVID word of the Week is CLARIFY.  The definition is: to make clear and easier to understand.  For example, “If you don’t understand what your teacher is talking about, ask them to clarify.” Write your own sentence using the word CLARIFY and turn it into the office for a prize drawing.
Our drama class shares a Friday Announcement video.

Wellness Corner:

RCSD Parent Education Series:

Online information night August 31, 2021 about the Middle School Suicide Prevention Curriculum - SOS Signs of Suicide 

RCSD Parent Education Night SOS Letter

RCSD Parent Education Night SOS Letter (Spanish)

Upcoming Events: 
8/30 Volleyball Game @ Eich 
8/31 Online Parent Education Night SOS  
9/1 Volleyball Game @ Buljan 
9/7 Volleyball Game @ Twelve Bridges 
9/7 Flag Football Game @ Eich 
9/8 Volleyball and Flag Football @ Buljan 
9/22 - Coffee Fundraiser Kickoff
9/22 Make-up picture Day

Greg White Principal gwhite@rcsdk8.org 
Nicole Beardsley Assistant Principal: 8th Grade & 7th A-L nbeardsley@rcsdk8.org
Rachael Conway Assistant Principal 6th Grade & 7th M-Z rconway@rcsdk8.org 


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