Happy May

Happy May Bulldog Families, Students have been busy focusing on CAASPP testing. This week students will be completing the Math portion. Thank you for reminding your child to bring their charged Chromebook to school each day. Today starts Staff Appreciation Week, which is a great time to acknowledge the teachers and staff who have been helping your child learn and grow every day. There is a theme each day for students and families to show teachers and any other staff members your child works with how much you appreciate them. Participation is completely optional, but encouraged! Monday : Students email your teacher a funny (but appropriate!) meme and tell them what you like most about them, or why you appreciate them. Tuesday : Bring a flower from your garden or the store for each one of your teachers. Wednesday : Complete this Appreciation Google Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJrG5AmEwWrjJr-PvATdb1Ryqaw9LX8eqRMHEXUtUi_uLGEA/viewform?usp=sf_link...