
Showing posts from November, 2021

Week of November 15 - December 3

Hello Bulldog Families, Please enjoy a few slides with student Soundtrap audio creations from 3rd Period Music Production, Happy Thanksgiving! Click HERE to listen.  Last week we had a successful Career Fair with 340 students completing the scavenger hunt through careers. Thank you to everyone that came to share their career with our students.  Here is a reminder about absences, in the event that your student is absent from school.  Attendance  1. Students are expected to be in school each day unless it is absolutely necessary that they be absent.  Students with excessive absences will be assigned a behavior contract, parent/guardian conference or referred to SARB.   2. When a student is absent, a parent/guardian or guardian should call the school (916) 771-1720 each day of the absence.  Please state the date, state and spell the student's name, your name, your relationship to the student, and the reason for absence.  If this is not pos...

Week of November 8 - 12

Happy November Bulldog Families!  No school November 11th in honor of Veterans Day.  Upcoming Job Fair - Information & Leadership Sign Up RCSD will be hosting a Job Fair for multiple Classified positions available throughout the District on Tuesday, November 16, from 1 pm - 7 pm. If you know of any parents, friends, neighbors, etc., that may be interested, please share the details. Check out the RCSD webpage for more information, and feel free to share widely! RCSD Job Fair Information Page Wellness Corner  WarmLine is hosting a few virtual parent support classes and groups this month and next month. Here is the  link  for more info. Thank you for all you do and happy Friday (your almost to those wonderful winter breaks)! Last week our amazing Drama Students, Web Leaders, and Student Government teams put on two amazing carnival nights. Many students had a great time with their peers in various games and the haunted house.